B) Streaming media - is audio or video content that is in a shortened form over the Internet that is played instantly. Streaming media does not require downloading as it plays instantly
C) FTP (File transfer protocol) - is a standard way of gathering files between computers on the Internet over IP/TCP
D) Email - also known, as Electrical Mail is mail sent from one computer to another.
E) Instant messaging - is sending someone an electronic message and then receiving it instantly
F) NIC (Network interface card) - is a circuit board or card that is part of a computer so it can connect to a network
H) A HUB - allows several computers to communicate with each other.
I) Co axial cable - is a cable that has a centre wire surrounded by insulation and then a shield or braided wire. Mainly cable companies use Co axial cables.
J) Fibre optic - is a high-speed data transitions medium. Digital data is …show more content…
When the network is down it is a problem because you can not send things and use a lot of the applications. Yes you can still access the computer you just can’t use network functions and many applications.
8. Linear topology – One linear data line that connects to LAN. If one computer crashes all of them crash also.
Ring Topology – Ring shaped line that connects to same circuit. If one computer crashes all of them crash.
Star Topology – Star shaped line, all nodes attached to separate lines. If one computer crashes the other still work.
Tree Topology – All nodes attached to separate lines that lead to the HUB. If one computer crashes the others are not effected.
9. All computers and phones all connect to my modem so I have a LAN (Local area network) and connect to my computers and phones by putting in my username and password into my Internet service