This week we have started with the normal reading which was quite extensive to get an overview of Dynamic Programming, The Knapsack problem, and randomized algorithms. As you can see there were quite impressive topics, but this time besides the videos provided with the unit I decided to get a little more information so I searched online for some material to help my understanding.
The discussion forum as usual provided great input; you can really tell that everyone participating puts a great effort on finding the best answer and/or explanation of the subject which at the end is in benefit of all of us.
We had the programming assignment and even though some of the code was provide you still have to analyze it and add the …show more content…
3) Describe your feelings and attitudes.
Pleased, comes to mind. As I mentioned above, we had to do a lot of reading before we can do our programming assignment, so after finishing and submitting the final product my hope is that I accomplished what was asked.
4) Describe what you learned.
I learned that sometimes you do not know what you are capable of doing until you try it. By learning everything that is involved in the creation of algorithms you can make sure that any program issue you encounter you will be able to address it.
5) What happened that felt particularly challenging? Why was it challenging for me?
The challenging part this week was making sure the program will work as expected. Everything had to be covered in a unique way and as we know we all have different ways to do things especially when it comes to code creation, not an easy task, but at the end I believe accomplishment was reached.
6) What skills and knowledge do I recognize that I am