Therefore, he decided to submit his painting to the hanging committee of Solon des Indépendants, which was a popular art exhibition in Paris. Unfortunately, the controversy over his painting began on March eighteenth of 1912, when the committee sent word to Duchamp’s studio in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France that they refused to display his work because “a nude never descends the stairs--a nude reclines.” Ironically, two of Duchamp’s older brothers, Jacques Villon and Raymond Duchamp-Villon, were artists that served on the hanging committee, which chose the works that were to be displayed. Reportedly, the painting was also rejected because of the very literal title, along with the committee’s feeling that the depiction of the nude woman was dehumanizing because it presented her in a very mechanical way. Later, in October of 1912, Duchamp’s painting was finally presented at Salon de la Section d’Or. While he was pleased that his painting finally reached a display, Duchamp still never forgave his brothers for taking part in the rejection of his
Therefore, he decided to submit his painting to the hanging committee of Solon des Indépendants, which was a popular art exhibition in Paris. Unfortunately, the controversy over his painting began on March eighteenth of 1912, when the committee sent word to Duchamp’s studio in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France that they refused to display his work because “a nude never descends the stairs--a nude reclines.” Ironically, two of Duchamp’s older brothers, Jacques Villon and Raymond Duchamp-Villon, were artists that served on the hanging committee, which chose the works that were to be displayed. Reportedly, the painting was also rejected because of the very literal title, along with the committee’s feeling that the depiction of the nude woman was dehumanizing because it presented her in a very mechanical way. Later, in October of 1912, Duchamp’s painting was finally presented at Salon de la Section d’Or. While he was pleased that his painting finally reached a display, Duchamp still never forgave his brothers for taking part in the rejection of his