Because she just got BSN degree couple month ago, Monika already know about many of these changes of the source for reforming the health care delivery system. Monika knows about these new models provided a explanation for improving quality and bring increasing health care costs under control and also these health care delivery models have made over communications with the school nurses, community health, and other specialists. She discussed the detail and said it has facilitated recover emergency room visits and missed work and school days in the public. Monika stated that nurses still have an issue in assuming leadership because nurses are not viewed as significant profits makers or decision makers. she also knows the management needs to understand the requirement to teach more nurses. With the new healthcare improvement rules, more funding will be offered for nurse education programs and advance nursing degrees. Because of she knows about the petition of advance practice nursing, she is looking forward to become a nurse
Because she just got BSN degree couple month ago, Monika already know about many of these changes of the source for reforming the health care delivery system. Monika knows about these new models provided a explanation for improving quality and bring increasing health care costs under control and also these health care delivery models have made over communications with the school nurses, community health, and other specialists. She discussed the detail and said it has facilitated recover emergency room visits and missed work and school days in the public. Monika stated that nurses still have an issue in assuming leadership because nurses are not viewed as significant profits makers or decision makers. she also knows the management needs to understand the requirement to teach more nurses. With the new healthcare improvement rules, more funding will be offered for nurse education programs and advance nursing degrees. Because of she knows about the petition of advance practice nursing, she is looking forward to become a nurse