By Ling Hui Ming, RN
16 September, 2014
1 Introduction
One of the most challenging issues nurses striving for since 20 years ago is nursing image in nursing profession. We define ourselves and are defined by others through images and similarly in any other profession like nursing. The way nurses how nurses perceive themselves as professional will affect the way others include family, friends, associate and public to look you.
In the Concise Oxford English Dictionary image is defined as ‘the general impression that a person, organization or product presents to the public’ (Soames & Stevenson, 2004) or as ‘a mental picture representing a real object or a more or less accurate likeness of a thing or person’ (Thomas, 1993, p. 965) in Tabor’s Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary.
Nurses have to try to get out from the stereotype of nursing image from the past like ministering angel, battle-axe/sex symbol, handmaiden of doctors, subordinate professional and finally autonomous professional that need critical thinking to make decision to ensure the to render the most effective and efficient care for patient. The image of a nurse portrayed in the media will very much influence the public the way they view at nurses either positively or negatively. Nurses are invisible as mentioned by public as they are used to be silent and accept what others think about them until recently some coalition announced
In this write up I am interested to explore nursing image and nursing profession in past year that impact current positive image of nursing in the country with strategies that promoting and sustaining nursing image.
2 Critical Discussion on the Current Image of Nursing in the country
In order to upgrade the nursing status in Malaysia to become more profession which account to better image of nursing, nurses are encouraged to pursue higher education to admit to degree program, Master’s and PhD courses either in full time or distance-learning program.
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