developmental theory P 134 18. Parent Child Attachment P 140 19. Physical Findings in a healthy newborn P 140-141, 143 20. During infancy/child development how is play recognized P 144 21. Changing body image in middle adulthood P 163-164 22. Changing family norms in the US P 159-160 23.
Caring for cancer survivors P 90 24. Teaching Strategies and the Older Adult P 173-174 25. Concept Maps P 202 26. Priority Nursing Diagnosis/Needs P366 27. Priority Nursing Interventions / Therapeutic Communication P 668, 670 28. Stages of Grief P 709-710, 715 29. Pain Assessment P 962-963 30. Age Specific Teaching Plans P 132 31. First Practicing Nurse Epidemiologist P 2 32. Identify common myths and stereotypes about older adults P 172 33. Describe methods of data collection P 211-212 34. Describe the association between critical thinking and selecting nursing interventions P 255 35. Describe aspects of critical thinking that are important to the communication process P 310 36. Describe cultural and ethnic variations in blood pressure assessment P 461 37. Osmosis P 884 38. Elderly Patients and Nutritional Requirements P 1013-1014 39. Concentric Tension P 1129-1130 40. Explain factors that impede or promote wound heeling P 1184-1186 41. Describe the therapeutic benefit of listening to patients P 84 42. Describe the intervention between critical thinking and selecting nursing interventions P
254 43. Discuss factors to include in assessing a patient’s needs for and response to medication therapy P584-587 44. Treating pain with a PCA P 983-984 45. TPN and Hyperglycemia, S&S of Hyperglycemia P 1023 46. Components of a quality improvement program P 61 47. Auditing and Monitoring of Healthcare records, purposes of healthcare records P350 48. Physical Finding on nasal examination P 516 49. Mine Body Awareness P 757 50. Stage IV pressure ulcer and self-concept P 1186