1. Type the document below.
2. Save your file and name it “Activity1”
1. CU (Control Unit) – it is the central nervous system of the computer and it determines what data to send to the ALU for processing. It is also called a SUPERVISOR.
2. MAINFRAME – the largest, fastest, and most expensive computers. The mightiest of the mainframe are so called SUPERCOMPUTERS.
3. PROCESSING – includes arithmetic operation and it can perform the following tasks:
a. Classifying
b. Sorting
c. Calculating
d. Summarizing
4. DOS (Dist Operating System) – it serves as an interface between the user and the hardware and between the hardware and another software.
5. Multimedia Computer …show more content…
(MC) – powerful microcomputer that includes sound capability. It needs CD-ROM disks. It also allows the user to play games.
Activity No. 2
1. Type the document below.
2. Save your file and name it “Activity2”
3. Arrange the document according to any type of business letter.
April 28, 2004
Rev. Fr. Joel M. Reyes
Lyceum of Aparri Hospital
Aparri, Cagayan
Dear Rev. Fr. Joel:
I have heard that your new Hospital is in need of staff nurses. I wish to apply as one.
I am a graduate of your prestigious institution, Lyceum of Aparri, College of Nursing class 2000. I passed the Nurse Licensure Examination in November of the same year with a rating of 89.20%.
I am confident that my educational background and past performances and experiences in the clinical area will merit your favorable considerations.
The following persons have kindly consented to the use of their names as references.
1. Edvin A. Adarme, MD
(Orthopedic Surgeon)
Medical Officer V
Aparri Provincial Hospital
Aparri, Cagayan
2. Robert H. Ogalino, MD
Medical Officer IV
Aparri Provincial Hospital
Aparri, Cagayan
3. Nelvic Catral, RN
Dean, College of Nursing
Lyceum of Aparri
Aparri, Cagayan
Attached are my credentials and supporting papers for your ready reference. I shall be available for a personal interview at your convenience.
Respectfully yours,
Activity No. 1
1. Type the letters and numbers below
2. Follow font specifications inside the parenthesis
3. use the underline font enhancement for all capital letters, Bold for numbers and Italic for small letters.
4. Save the files as “Activity1”
ABCDE (Times New Roman, size 10)
FGHIJ (Arial, size 14)
KLMNO (Impact, size 24)
PQRST (Book Antiqua, size 16)
UVWXYZ (Courier New, size 20)
abcde (Bookman Old Style, size 29) fghij (Arial Narrow, size 32) klmno (Times new Roman, 12) pqrst (Verdana, size 40) uvwxyz (Tahoma, size 19)
12345 (Garamond, size 30)
67890 (Arial Black, size 17)
51x5y2-119x2y5 (Times New Roman, size 18, Superscripts)
H2O3Cu2O (Arial, size 23, Subscripts)
Activity No. 2
1. Type the document below
2. Change the font style and size for every paragraph
3. Save file as “Activity2”
The Development of Manual Aids to Calculation
Grating Methods. This Method may be considered as the predecessor of the conventional multiplication procedures. The method involves the use of arrays or tables, the sizes of which depend on the number of digits in the multiplier and the multiplicand, respectively. Unlike the conventional method, however, which multiplies numbers from right to left and from bottom to top, the grating method multiplies numbers from left to right and from top to bottom. This method also includes diagonals to be drawn along the corners of the array. One advantage of this method is that it performs multiplication operations before addition operations
Bones Method. This method was introduced in 1617 by John Napier of Scotland in his attempt to reduce tedious calculations involving large numbers. His “bones or rod”, made a great impression on the Europeans and the Chinese. The principle behind the bones method may be considered as a mixture of the principles of the abacus and of the grating method. Each rod is divided into nine squares, each of which is divided into nine squares, each of which is divided diagonally. The top square holds a number (1-9). The remaining eight squares in the rod hold the product of multiplying that number by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Once it is set up, it is easy to get the product of a single-digit number and any other value from the top squares and the left rod, because the numbers in the middle are used to obtain the product.
Sluggard Method. With the introduction of paper, the Arabs and the Hindus were able to develop a method which may give the product of numbers up to 10 x 10. This method, which was then called the sluggard method, is similar to the finger-counting method in principle. In fact, it can be said to be the finger-counting method on paper. Because, likewise, one has to memorize the multiplication table from 1 – 5 before this could be applied.
The “Arabic Numerals” System. The present number system is of Hindu origin, based on the use of ten fingers. This system was introduced in Europe by the Moors in the 9th century as a result of the expansion of the Moslem empire. It was modified in India in what is now called the “Arabic Numerals”. True numerals are still used in some parts of the Middle and the Near East.
Activity No. 3
1. Type the document below. Save using filename “lefttree”
2. Follow the procedure to center a text. Save file “centertree”
3. Change the font color of each of the line in the poem
4. Follow the procedure to right align the text. Save using filename “Activity3”
I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the earth’s sweet flowing breast, and lifts her leafy arms to pray. A tree that may in summer, wear a nest of robins in her hair; upon whose snow has lain; who intimately lives with rain; poems are made by
fools like
Activity No. 6
1. Type the document below
2. Follow procedures in paragraph indent
3. Use the font “Arial”, “Bold Italic”, font size = 20 for the title.
4. Change the font style and font size of every paragraph.
5. Save files as “Activity4”
Dalai Lama Test
This little exercise is fun. Take a few minutes out of your frantic day to enjoy a bit of enlightenment.
Dalai lama personality test
The dalai lama said read it to see if it works for you. Personality test. Very interesting. Just 4 questions and the answers will surprise you. Do not cheat by looking up the answers. The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is opened.
This is fun to do, but you have to follow the instructions very closely. Do not cheat.
Make a wish before beginning the test!!!
A warning! Answer the questions as you go along. There are only four questions and if you see them all before finishing, you will not have honest results.
Don't look ahead, get a pencil and paper to write your answers as you go along. You will need it at the end. This is an honest questionnaire which will tell you a lot about your true self.
1. Put the following 5 animals in the order of your preference.
a. Cow b. Tiger c. Sheep d. Horse e. Pig
2. Write one word that describes each one of the following:
3. Think of someone (who also knows you and is important to you) that you can relate them to the following colors (do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each color.)
4. Finally, write down your favorite number and your favorite day of the week.
Finished? Please be sure that your answers are what you really want. Look at the interpretations below:
But first before continuing, repeat your wish. This will define your priorities in your life.
Activity No. 7
1. Type the document below
2. Save your file using “Activity7”
3. Follow the font format and its line spacing.
“Close your eyes and make a wish
Angels will be there to blow you a kiss
They will guide your way and
Make your dreams come true
Like what they did to me when I
Ask for a friend like you”
“It’s harder to find a true friend than it
Is to find a lover. In one’s lifetime
I can have many lovers; but to have just
One true friend like you is a blessing”
“If one day you find yourself trapped in
The dark, just look up in the
Sky and if you see one little tiny
Light up there… that’s me
Reminding you that I’m still there even
If you can not see me”
Activity No. 4
1. Type the document below using bullet style
2. Save your file using “Activity4”
International School of Asia and the Pacific
Peñablanca, Cagayan
International School of Asia and the Pacific has to offer you:
The best of the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao in Catholic Education;
Priest educators committed to service of God’s people;
Awarded LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION by the Philippine Accreditation of Colleges & Universities;
A school hospital for Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Aide students;
The lowest and most negotiable financial terms for quality of education you get;
TOP TEN rank among 56 higher education institutions in Region 2.
Graduate School
Doctor of Philosophy – Educational Management (Ph.D.)
Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
College of Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts Major in Philosophy (AB Philo)
Bachelor of Arts Major in Economics (AB Eco)
Bachelor of Arts Major in English (AB English)
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (BS Math)
College of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCoE)
Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BS CRIM)
Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering (BSGE)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE)
Associate in Computer Science (ACS)
Computer Secretarial Course (CSC)
College of Paramedical
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
General Midwifery Course (GMC)
College of Commerce
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Major in Management
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM)
Accounting Aide (AA)
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA)
Secondary Level
General Curriculum & Science
Secondary Curriculum
Elementary Level
Primary and Intermediate
Kindergarten School
Activity No. 5
1. Type the document below using numbering style
2. Save your file using “Activity5”
1. Computer Historical Background
1.1 Early Method of calculation
1.1.1 Finger-Counting Method
1.1.2 Abacus
1.2 The Development of Manual Aids to Calculation
1.2.1 Grating Methods
1.2.2 Bones Method
1.2.3 Sluggard Method
1.2.4 The “Arabic Numerals” System
1.3 Development of Mechanical Aids to Written Calculations
1.3.1 “Four Function” Machines
1.4 Development of Automation Mechanical Aids to Calculation
1.5 Difference Engine
1.6 Analytical Engine
1.7 Hollerith Card
1.8 Mark I
1.9 Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
1.10 Electric Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)
1.11 Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC)
1.12 Electronic Delay-line Storage Automatic Computer (EDSAC)
1.13 Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC I)
Activity No. 10
1. Type the document
2. Save your file using “Activity10”
3. Follow the same format of presentation as shown below:
Applicant’s Personal Data Presented in Tabular Form
(Type your name here)
(Your Address)
(Your Tel. No.)
June 2001 to present: A Registered Nurse and a full time Clinical Instructor of Medical/Surgical.
Clinical Functions
1. Prepares and submits schedules of duty of student nurses.
2. Orient student nurses to hospital areas, facilities and personnel.
3. Makes courtesy call to hospital authorities before exposure.
Conducts pre and post bedside conferences.
5. Assigns students their respective patients and reminds them of their duties and responsibilities.
6. Accompanies student nurses during physician’s regular rounds, providing assistance in carrying doctor’s order.
7. Provides assistance during preparation and administration of medication as ordered.
8. Observes and guides students when carrying out procedures within the scope of nursing practice.
9. Check sample charting before transcribing it to the chart.
10. Instructed students on:
Giving total nursing care to patients and performing other duties assigned
Assisting other ward members in giving patient care.
Admitting and obtaining thorough patient history.
Routine accurate taking and recording of patients vital sign.
Giving and charting medications.
Communicating nursing treatments on Kardex, charts and setting goals and collaborating with all members of the health team, patient and families.
Maintaining therapeutic environment.
Demonstrating good interpersonal and professional behavior.
Ascertaining the patients understanding of the consent form for medical surgical procedure.
Performing all nursing actions according to established hospital policies and within the scope of nursing …show more content…
Teaching Functions 1. Submits syllabi for subjects handled every semester.
2. Prepares subject matter utilizing all available teaching aids and extracurricular activities.
3. Evaluates students’ performance according to accepted standards.
4. Attend courses pertinent to field of specialization.
5. Observes professional ethics in dealing with superiors, colleagues, students and other publics.
6. Participates in all competency-upgrading activities.
Personal Information
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Civil Status:
Name of Father:
Date of Birth:
Name of Mother:
Date of Birth:
Educational Attainment
School Year
Membership In Organizations
Medical Students Organization
Commission on Election
Philippine National Red Cross Youth Council
The Lycean Newsletter
English, Filipino, News Editor, Lay-out Artist
Medical Students Organization
The LIGHT Newsletter
Outreach Extension Program
Living Nursing as Graduates of Caring Based Program
St. Paul University, Tuguegarao City
August 09, 2001
On Job Training Aparri Christian Hospital
Aparri, Cagayan
December 28, 2000 – January 10, 2001
Buddhist Compassion Relief Tsu-chi Medical/Surgical/Dental Mission
Aparri, Cagayan
November 17 – 19, 1999
Basic Life Support Training
Aparri, Cagayan
Nov. 18 – 19, 1998
Basic Leadership Training
Aparri, Cagayan
Nov. 28 – 29,1998
11th National Red Cross Youth Congress
Ilo-ilo City
December 3 – 9, 1998
Integrated Lecture on Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Aparri, Cagayan
August 29, 1998
Seminar on Ovarian Cancer
Aparri, Cagayan
March 04, 1998
Seminar on Diabetes Mellitus
Aparri, Cagayan
March 04, 1997
Nurses Licensure Examination 90.00%
Character References
Imelda Rabago – Azurin, RN, MSN
College of Nursing and Midwifery
Lyceum of Aparri
Aparri, Cagayan
Minnie Santos – Co, RN
Public Health Nurse
Rural Health Unit
Aparri, Cagayan
Nelvic Abad – Catral, RN, MSN
College of Nursing and Midwifery
Lyceum of Aparri
Aparri, Cagayan
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above statements are true and correct to the best knowledge.
Type your name here
Activity No. 11
1. Type the sentence below: COMPUTER IS AN ELECTRONIC MACHINE.
2. Using the copy and paste command, duplicate the sentence 20 times.
3. Highlight the fourth sentence, then use CUT tool to remove the sentence from the MS WORD screen.
4. Highlight the first sentence then remove this by using Cut tool.
5. Save the files as “Activity11”.
6. With the remaining sentences that appear on the screen, fill the entire document by using Copy and Paste commands.
7. For the second time, save your file using the “Activity111”.
Activity No. 12
1. Type the document below using the Copy, Paste commands. Center the Title, Bold letters, font face = Arial, font size = 16. Save your file using “Activity12”. Then use File Exit.
2. Open the file “Activity12”
3. Interchange the position of paragraphs 1 and2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6.
4. Save the file as “Activity121”
I asked GOD to take my pride,
And God Said “NO”
He said it was not for HIM to take away,
But for me to give it up.
I asked GOD to make my handicapped child whole,
And God said “NO”
He said her spirit is whole
He body is temporary.
I asked GOD to grant me patience
And God said “NO”
He said patience is a by product of tribulations
It isn’t granted it’s earned.
I asked GOD to give me happiness
And God said “NO”
He said he gives blessings
Happiness is up to me
I asked GOD to spare me pain
And God said “NO”
He said suffering draws you part from worldly cares
But brings you closer to me.
I asked GOD if he loves me
And God said “YES”
I asked GOD to help me love others
As much as he loves me
And GOD said “Ah, finally you have the idea”
Activity No. 13
1. Type the document below.
2. Follow the procedures in creating Word Art.
3. Save your file and name it “Activity13”.
When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advise,
You have not done what I asked.
When I ask to listen to me and you begin to tell me why
I shouldn’t feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings.
When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do
Something to solve my problems, you have failed me, strange as that may seem.
Perhaps that’s why prayer works for some people.
God is mute and He doesn’t offer or try to fix things.
He just listens and trust you to work it out for yourself.
So please, just listen and hear me. And if you want to talk, wait
A few minutes for your turn and I promise I’ll listen to you.
Activity No. 4
1. Type the poem
2. Insert some pictures into a poem.
3. Save your file and name it “Activity4”
If you don’t like your work
You’ll need three times the energy,
To force yourself to work
To resist the force,
And finally to work
If you love your work
Your desire to do it will be like a wind
To propel your ship
With much less fuel
If you like your work
You work no more
For work, when you like it
Is work no longer
But sheer enjoyment
If you enjoy work
You’ll work and work
Without counting the hours
And you’ll reap and yours
More earnings as well
Activity No. 15
1. Create this organizational chart
2. Follow procedures in creating graphics with text.
3. Save this files using “Activity15”
Activity No. 16
1. Type the list below
2. Set the tab according as you desire
3. Save the file using “Activity16”
The following expressions can help you make your own sentences. Write your sentences below.
Doers/Agent Action/Verbs Receivers
The biology teacher taught the formula
The researcher poured the liquid
The truant officer see me/I
Sri Lanka charmed her guests
India and Pakistan joined United Nations
The British occupied nations in the Indian Ocan
The Dutch, the Portuguese and the British colonized the four countries
The Europeans buy native goods
The Tamils demand equal opportunities
Citizens Decorations The prisoner Posters The fire rights and privileges Figurines his freedom The suspect by alert citizens The group by a strong gust of wind The passengers an unseen force The proposal along the corridors Suggestions against the wall
1. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.
2. But his delight is in the lawful the Lord, and His law he meditates day and night.
3. He shall be like a yree planted by the rivers of the water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not either, and whatever he does shall prosper.
4. The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
5. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6. For the lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
7. Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing?
8. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the lord and against his anointed saying.
9. Let us break their bonds in pieces and case away their cords from us
10. He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. the lord shall hold then in derision
11. Then he shall speak to them in his wrath, and distress them in his deep displeasure.
12. Yet i have set my king on my holy hill of Zion.
13. I will declare the decree: the lord has said to me. you are my son, today i have forgotten you.
14. Ask of me, and i will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.
15. You shall break them with the rod of iron, you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.
16. Now therefore, be wise o kings be instructed you judges of the earth.
Activity No. 18
1. Type the table below.
2. Follow the steps in creating a table.
3. Save the file using “Activity18”
Activity No. 19
1. Type the document below. Follow the same format.
2. Save your file as “Activity19”. Then use File Close command.
3. Open the saved file.
4. Try to correct misspelled words by using Spelling Tool.
5. Save file again as “Activity191”
LUV is paytient and kined; it is knot jealous or conceited or proud
LUVE is not self-centered or shelfish or irritabol
Lov das not key a record of wrongs; Love wasn’t happi
With evil; but is happi with the truth. Love nver gives up
And its feyth, hop and patience nevr fail.
Love is eternl. Theirs are inspired mesages, but they aree
Temporary; they aare gifts of speaking in strange tonngues
But they wil care, there is knowledge, but at well passs.
Activity No. 20
1. Type the main document and the source data.
2. Follow procedures in merging process.
3. Save file as “Activity”
4. Print the merged document.
Main Document
From: Type your name Vice President, Executive Office
Date: May 22, 2002
Subject: General Board Meeting
Please be informed that there will be General Board Meeting at Mikaela Plaza Hotel on May 28, 2002 at 3:00 in the afternoon.
Attendance is a must.
Source Data
Name Title
Mr. Michael Alviar President
Ms. Katherine Mendoza Finance, Vice President
Ms. Mylene Fuentefella Operation, Manager
Ms. Cecilia Fuljencio Marketing, General Manager
Ms. Margarita Salameda Production, General Manager
Activity No. 21
1. Create the source data and the main document below.
2. Start the merge process of the source data and main document.
3. Save file as “Activity”.
4. Print the merged document.
Source Data
Company, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Amount, Last Payment
Industrial Mining Co., Anniegel Town, P.O. Box 4356, Cabridge, Seattle, 22226,353.50, 1/3/02
Maxell Publishing, Gilian Stratford, “67 Fillmore St”, Chicago, 11099, 5676, 329.40, 3/16/02
Brickstone Supplies, Gene Augustus, “45, San Jose St.”, San Francisco, Califoria, 94115, 5678.00, 786, 5/24/02
Maine Computer Center, John Gifford, “45 Long drive St.”, San Diego, California, 46465, 7833, 756.60, 7/23/02
Cambridge Manufacturing, Mel Ford, “577 Horn St.”, Los Angeles, Ca. 45556, 11616, 45.70, 9/22/02
Main Document
Current Data