Nursing Process Paper
|Maslow's Needs and |Assessment: Subjective |Nursing Diagnosis |Outcome Criteria/Goals |Nursing Interventions/ Nursing |Rationale plus |Evaluation/ |
|Rationale for Need |Data and Objective Data |(Include the related |(Needs to be |Orders |Reference |Actual Outcome |
| |(Designate Which) |to reason) |measureable) |(Individualize to patient/family)| | |
| | | | | |Gulanick p. 119 and Mayo brochures on | |
| | | | | |breastfeeding | |
| |1. mother states she |Deficient knowledge: |Mother will demonstrate |1. Provide information on local |1. Allows patient to interact with others who|Outcome partially met.|
|Teaching need. |does not belong to a |breast-feeding, |correct latching on |breastfeeding support groups, |have similar needs and a wealth of |We had one effective |
| |support group for |related to lack of |technique by the end of |such as LLLI by dismissal. |information. |teaching session, but |
|Maslow need: Safety |breastfeeding moms. (s) |experience and lack of|my shift. | | |mother needs more |
|and security. | |exposure. | |2. Demonstrate