Patients place their trust in nurses to deliver the best care possible. As an indispensable part of the medical field, nurses provide hands-on care and assist patients with living a healthier life. This is why I decided to further my education and return to school to obtain my registered nurse (RN) degree. I am currently in the third semester of the nursing program and looking forward to the upcoming and final semester. It is very important for me to obtain a good education which in turn, will help me become an efficient and knowledgeable nurse. Through the nursing program at my college, I am increasing my critical thinking and my confidence which will help me to pursue my career in the future.
As for my background, I was born in Puerto Rico and relocated to Minnesota where I have been for about 20 years. I live with my husband and our …show more content…
seven children. My kids’ ages range from eighteen to one year old. Although, many would note my current situation as stressful, I feel that I have a good system that has worked for me allowing me to work, go to school, and take care of the household. It is not stress-free, but it is a temporary sacrifice for the benefit of me and my family. I stay organized with my time and my duties to ensure everything is balanced. At this time, I am looking forward to the mental health class. Because, most of us experience a mental crisis at some point or another, I feel that this class is indispensable for nurses as we work directly with patients. Having a general knowledge about signs and symptoms along with different communications styles that may be helpful, will enhance our relationship with the patients.
Shortly after arriving in Minnesota, I obtained my practical nursing license (LPN) and have been working in the medical field since.
In the 14 years as an LPN, I have worked in a variety of settings such as hospitals, clinics and long term care. Due to the various scenarios and patients I have encountered, I feel that I have a broad knowledge about health conditions and their treatments. Through the nursing journey, I learned on the job to manage stress, improve my listening skills, and compassion for my patients. I ensure to provide the best care possible to every patient regardless of whom they were or where they came from. Everyone was important and deserved to be treated as
The importance of the nurse-patient relationship is based on various components. Mutual trust and respect is imperative for providing care to the patient. Along with effective verbal and non-verbal communication, nurses support patients through their knowledge and skills. The foundation of the relationship should include empathy and professional intimacy as it relates to perceiving and understanding the patient. These components, present a holistic attitude when managing the condition of the patient.
Empathy allows for the nurse to better understand the patient as a whole and aids in providing effective care by making them feel good, valued and respected. It involves acknowledging the emotional state of the patient without experiencing it. Moreover, a connection is made between the nurse and the patient facilitating communication and rapport. By providing a therapeutic relationship with the patient, the nurse can provide care without overstepping boundaries. A good therapeutic relationship is one where the nursing strategies are developed to promote the well-being of the patient and the cares focus solely on the patient and not the needs of the nurse.