There were two options that I chose to cut costs. The two options that I chose was to reduce agency staff and changing the skill mix. I chose to reduce agency staff because “Reducing proportion of contract labor used to fill vacancies among patient care workers would reduce costs, staffing nursing units and other patient care areas. The salaries of agency contracted people are twice that of the other hospital staff. Reducing these personnel will tremendously…
On 05/10/16, Mr. Stevens was charged with Reckless Driving and sentenced to 30 days level 5 suspended for 1 year at level 3.…
Discuss the general differences between facility and non-facility rates. Discuss the MS-DRG system for hospital inpatient services. Include in your discussion the history of the MS-DRG system and the need for the updated system. There are two types of bills used in healthcare. Which type of bill is used for physician services? Which type of bill is used for hospital services? (Hint: your book is incorrect.)…
Joint Commission. (2010). Management of Human Resources. CAMH: Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, Hr-1 - HR-10.…
In the article, Coffman, Seago, and Spetz (2002) questioned that mandating minimum nurse-to-patient ratios could eventually help to improve outcomes and conditions of both nurses and patients in acute care hospitals in California. They found that mandatory ratios could create opportunity costs that were not easily measured and that might outweigh their benefits. They also suggested that policymakers should consider other strategies or approaches to address nurse’ concerns on hospital staffing and enhance their job satisfaction and retention in hospital facilities.…
3. Explain why the lack of universal health care coverage can raise health care costs.…
My paper will be discussing medical coding systems: past, present, and future. I will be comparing the International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification and the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision Clinical Modification, why the International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Modification is being changed to the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision Modification, history and background of medical coding systems, how fraud impacts coding systems in physician’s offices and talking about the effect of coding errors. ICD-10-CM should be easier to find the codes because of all the new codes and distinguishing of different body parts.…
References: (2011). Medical Coding. American Health Information Management Association. AHIMA. Retrieved November 17, 2011 from…
As congress debates over the many different points of the Affordable Healthcare Act, the one issue that is in the forefront is how will the health care system provide care for all these additional people. In order to provide quality care many believe the health care professionals roles will need to be expanded. Since nursing is the largest, and encompasses 3 million of the healthcare workforce, it will be imperative that the nursing roles expands to meet these needs(Sullivan,2011). Because nurses have a unique position in healthcare due to their scientific knowledge and proximity to patients, (Sullivan,2011), the Institute of Medicine(2011) concluded that " nursing brings to the future a steadfast commitment to patient care, improved safety and quality, and better outcomes" (Future of Nursing, p167).…
Over the past number of years there has been a nursing shortage which has led to the need of more registered nurses in the hospital setting. This is due to the uprising acuity of patient care and a decrease in there overall hospital stay. In order for the patients to get safe and quality care, the staffing, education and experience of the nursing staff needs to be made a priority. Not only has the safety and quality of patient care suffered, the working conditions in hospitals have also got worse due to the hospitals not keeping up with increase demand of nurses (Welton, 2007). Hospitals that don’t have adequate staffing tend to have an increased rate of negative patient outcomes. Some of these negative outcomes that are potentially caused by the decrease in nursing care are shock, pneumonia, cardiac arrest and urinary tract infections (Stanton, 2004). This has led to state legislatures adding mandatory laws that promote adequate staffing regardless of the severity or acuity of the patients. The additional costs that are required to staff the hospitals with additional registered nurses are unfunded which means that staffing can be decreased in other work areas (Welton, 2007). This shortage is a problem that is affecting not only the patients, but also the staff. Nurse management and leadership play a significant role in finding a balance among all involved. Throughout this paper, the author will be discussing how the managers and leaders play a significant role in the issue of nurse staffing ratios in order to promote quality and safe care for the patients. Also, the author will discuss some tools and skills that are beneficial in supporting the nursing staff and the overall demands in the hospital…
Cost containment in the health care industry has become more important through years advances in science, in turn requiring better equipment which requires more funding. Nurses are a huge beneficial asset to containing these costs, with most of their contribution ne on one with…
In this essay I intend to examine the issues surrounding nurses ' accountability in relation to the scenario discussed, and to Adult nursing. From the group sessions and further reading I have broaden my understanding of what being an accountable practitioner involves. Nurses are highly responsible for their own actions and care they provide. Consequently they are professionally accountable to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, (NMC) as well as their employer, public, patient, families and to themselves. Nurses have to justify why specific care was given in a particular way, (Royal College of Nursing, 2008). And they are required to use their professional knowledge, judgement and skills to make decisions continually throughout their practice, to allow them to exercise best practice (NMC, 2008). Professional, ethical and legal issues are all incorporated into being an accountable practitioner and nurses must take these issues into account throughout their practice. However before exploring accountability further an understanding of the term must be addressed. Tingle, 1995 states it is a contested topic as the concept of accountability is indefinable and arguable. On the other hand Bergman, 1981, defines it as being able to be ‘counted on ', however states it is a complex notion as there are varying ways a practitioner can be held accountable dependant on who they are accountable to at the time of the incident. In terms of health care McSherry and Pearce, 2002 explain that accountability relates to continual changing practice and the practitioner has a responsibility to ensure their practice is effective with an evidence base.…
Mandatory nurse-patient staffing ratios have been a hot topic of discussion for over 15 years. As of today, California is the only state with actual state mandated nurse- patient ratios in place. I support mandatory nurse-patient staffing ratios because research has shown that patients have better outcomes when cared for by nurses who practice under state mandated nurse-patient ratios. According to the article Mandatory Nurse-Patient Ratios “support for mandatory-patient ratios is drawn from the belief that regulated nurse (RN) staffing will increase positive patient outcomes, decrease nursing shortages, increase nurse recruitment and job satisfaction (T, 2011).…
What is the one conversation that usually gets heated when talking to nurses? Bring up the subject of staffing levels on their unit. As a nurse assistant, staff nurse, charge nurse or nursing administrator, inadequate staffing creates tension and stress. When staffing is inadequate patient safety, infection rates, patient satisfaction and staff satisfaction are only a few of the areas affected. Many hospital administrators and lawmakers want to make patient care a numbers game. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations requires hospitals to create a staffing plan that defines staffing effectiveness as the skill mix, competence, and effectiveness related to the services needed. (Morgan, 2004) When it comes to staffing, one size does not always fit all. Patients are individuals with individual needs and one patient with a certain diagnosis can take much less attention and time from the nurse than a patient of the same age with the same diagnosis. For good nurses the main goals during their shift is giving exception patient care and providing a safe environment. “The notion of high-quality care in hospitals is essential to public safety isn’t new. In 1751 Benjamin Franklin founded America’s first hospital-Pennsylvania Hospital-and commented that patients ultimately suffer and die without sound nursing care.” (Clarke, 2003) Nursing leaders are under tremendous pressure to lower costs while improving quality. (Carter, 2004) It is often found that…
In the United States, Registered Nurses (R.N.) make up the largest recorded working population of the health care profession, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 2.7 percent of the workforce comprises of nurses compared to 3.6 percent in the last 6 years (A.A.C.N., 2013). This decrease is attributed to the current shortage and high turnover of nurses. This current trend in the nursing profession has a great effect on the provision of health care because it has reduced the quality of care of patients, increased accidents amongst patients, absenteeism rates and staffing among others.…