If you are not professional enough to take on the responsibility of having your patient’s best interest in mind, following orders, and being able to do so efficiently, how could you possibly be a nurse? Professionalism in nursing has a lot to do with your gestures, behavior, and appearance. Other nursing professionals and patients as well all pay attention to behavioral actions. When you show up late to the job, hair a mess, not happy because you are tired and whatever else it could be, it affects the way you are looked at by everyone around you. That would show patients that you don’t care enough about yourself which means if you can’t even take care of yourself, there is no way you can take care of your patients. That is unprofessional and would cause for your patients to possibly not want you as a nurse, other nurses to not want to work on a team with you because of the appearance given off; leaving no reason for anyone to take you seriously in the professional world. A lack of professionalism would also cause for your patients to not receive the proper care needed. If you are not able to apply your knowledge and be actively engaged, it gives off the impression that your skills are not up to par, creating an untrusting and unprofessional image. A lack of professionalism in a career that revolves around communication can also lead to isolation which would negatively affect the care given to your …show more content…
Confidence in a nurse is key in order to show your patients that you know what you are talking about. It will cause for your patients to gain more respect for you and your judgement, and it will show your co-workers that you are serious about your job. Along with confidence, professional behavior can be improved by always making sure that you put your patients first. Care for patients should be a nurse’s first concern and demonstrating that will show your respect for your patients and their identity. Professionalism can also be improved by keeping high standards at all times; never lowering your standards based on patient situation or personal preference. Keeping high standards means always being early to shift in order to give yourself time to prepare, speak up when there is confusion so that you can learn and fix the problem appropriately, and to always be honest whether you make a mistake or not. In nursing, you are constantly learning something new every day. There is nothing unprofessional or wrong about addressing the mistake or speaking up when there’s a question because learning is required in order to be a professional and exceptional nurse. The higher the standards you have for yourself and your profession, the more professional you will