Allison M Wood, RN
March 12, 2012
Shoni Davis, RN DNSc
Nursing Theorist Assignment
Sister Callista Roy developed the Adaptation Model of Nursing in 1976 after becoming concerned of the importance of relating the characteristics of nursing to the community. This interest encouraged her to begin developing the model with the purpose of nursing being to support adaptation. Roy began organizing her nursing theory as she developed curriculum for nursing students at Mount St. Mary’s College.
According to “Nursing Theory” (2011), the factors that influenced the development of the model included: family, education, religious background, mentors, and clinical experience” (para.2). Roy’s theory begins by asking three questions: 1.Who is the focus of nursing care? 2. What is the goal of nursing care? 3. When is nursing care indicated? According to Roy, adaptation occurs when patients respond positively to changes in environment and use personal awareness to create these positive changes (“Nursing Theory”, 2011).
The main concepts or metaparadigms of Roy’s Adaptation Model are made up of the four major components: 1. Person 2. Health 3.Environment 4.Nursing. Using the table below, we will review each metaparadigm in this nursing model.
Define how the theorist defines each of the nursing metaparadigms: | How does this definition influence nursing practice? | How does this definition influence nursing education and curriculum? | Person- According to Roy's model, a person is a bio-psycho-social being in constant interaction with a changing environment. The person is also defined as “an adaptive system…a whole comprised of parts that function as a unity for some purpose” (Andrews & Roy, 1991, p. 4). He or she uses innate and acquired mechanisms to adapt. The model includes people as individuals, as well as in groups such as families, organizations, and communities. This also includes society as a whole (“Nursing Theory, 2011). Roy
References: Boston College. (2010). Retrieved from Nursing Theory Roy. C. (1980). The Roy Adaptation Model. In. J. Riehl & C. Roy (Eds). Conceptual Models for Nursing Practice