In Poland, Nutella continues to be a primer provider in chocolate spreads, and seeks to make this product affordable to everyone. The market research shows, that the present preferences in Poland made Nutella a part of the weekly shopping. Major challenge face this spread in the future is new overseas manufactures, entering the country recently, after Poland became a part of the EU. That will raise the competition in the chocolate spread market. (
Polish population according to a statistics from 2005 is 38.635,144 million people. Then total students, in thousands, of higher education institution are only an 1858.7. (
Nevertheless, they can be a new, strong, full of potential market target for Nutella. Numerous studies document the direct value of this spread for our menu. Furthermore, students are the society that needs nutritious, vitamins in there diet. However, because of their style of life, especially students that lives in dorms, it has to be something easy to reach, to made, and tasty. In addition, something, what is going to give them more energy to study. Those are the requirements, which Nutella can satisfy. This chocolate hazelnut spread provides also some of the daily needs in proteins and calcium. (Personal analysis)
The student society in Poland is about 1858.7 thousands, but we know that not all of them will reach for our product. Some of them, especially girls