Nutrition Month Essay Writing (Highlights Only) Samples:
> Nutrition begins with foods. Thestudy of nutrition involves everything that the body does with food in order to live, like function, and grow. Foods that are eaten regularly make a diet. Although were you live and how you eat play a major part in your dietary habits, food choices vary from person to person. What people eat affects their health and how they live. Plants make their own food from, water, and air. People can’t make their own food but eat plants, and meats to survive. The body’s most important need is for energy. To get energy it needs food as a fuel and oxygen to burn it. The amount of energy food produces is called calories. A food calorie, is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of (2.2 pounds) of water 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit).
The body changes the calories in food into energy, which is very necessary for the little things like blinking an eye to running a race. Energy is also used for the growing process, for rebuilding damaged cells, and for regulating the body. The number of calories needed each day depends on how much energy your body uses. An active kid can need more calories than an adult who works at a desk. The body needs more……..
> Nutrition is the process in which an organism obtains there materials from the environment. Nutrition has to do with the human digestive system because in order for you to get nutrition you have to be able to digest it, to get it across the cell membrane to distributed threw out your body.
There are two types of digestion mechanical and chemical. Mechanical digestion is the breakdown of without altering the chemical composition . In order to digest a material the food has to go through many organs .The order in which it goes is the mouth ( oral cavity), pharynx