This assignment should generate sufficient, valid evidence for the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Health & Social Care Unit 21 : Outcomes 1 & 2 “Understand concepts of nutritional health” and “Know the characteristics of nutrients”
Nutrition is essential for health and well being.If you are working in health and social care and have responsibility for the wellbeing of others, it is important to have a thorough understanding of nutrition and diet.
Write a report on healthy eating for your family and friends to include:
TASK 1a ((P1)
An explanation of :
• Concepts
• Nutritional health
• Nutritional measures
• Dietary intake guidelines
• An explanation of one current nutritional …show more content…
You need to cover the best sources, function in the body – including positive & negative aspects, dietary requirements etc. of the main nutrients as listed the Unit Specifications.
M1 Choose two population groups and discuss similarities & differences in their nutritional needs.You could base this on two different members onf your family
• For Example high protein diets are required for both young children and older adults , to ensure growth and repair of new cells, but carbohydrates will vary according to activity levels.
• P1 – Explain concepts of nutritional health
• P2 – Describe the characteristics of nutrients and their benefits to the body
• M1 – Discuss similarities & differences in the nutritional and energy requirements of two groups of individuals
Write a report on a service user or a case study and include the following
P3: Explain possible influences on dietary intake.
• Introduce your service user explaining what influences their dietary intake.
M2 :Assess how these influences may affect their nutritional health
D1 conclude your report by making recommendations to reduce the negative influences in their diet