Forms and Function of Plants and Animals
Sometimes you may observe that a potted plant kept in sunlight and provided with sufficient water does not grow. Its leaves look pale and weak. Plant may not even flower properly. Such a situation is an indication, that the plant may not be getting all that is required for normal growth and development. In most of such situations one or more minerals required may be lacking in the soil you might have seen farmers adding some extra manure (khad) to the soil. In this lesson you will learn the importance of mineral nutrition in plants.
OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you will be able to : define the terms mineral nutrition, macro and micro nutritients; explain the functions of minerals with reference to the techniques of hydroponics and aeroponics; list the role of macro and micro nutrients; mention the deficiency symptoms of macro and micro nutrients; differentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition in plant; describe the saprophytic and parasitic modes of nutrition in plant. 9.1 WHAT IS PLANT NUTRITION As you know that all living organisms require food to survive, grow and reproduce so every organism takes in food and utilizes the food constituents for its requirements of growth. A series of processes are involved in the synthesis of food by plants, breaking down the food into simpler substances and utilization of these simpler substances for life processes. Nutrition in plants may thus be defined as a process of synthesis of food, its breakdown and utilisation for various functions in the body.
Forms and Function of Plants and Animals
Nutrition in Plants – Mineral Nutrition
The chemical substances in food are called nutrients e.g. CO2, water, minerals, carbohydrate, protein, fats etc. Green plants can make their own food from