Study Guide – Exam 1
50 questions, 100 points
All handouts, assignments, presentations, chapters in book are fair game for test questions!
Multiple choice and true/false
1. Know the six classes of nutrients
2. Know phytochemicals
3. Read the ’10 Red Flags of Junk Science’
4. What is an essential nutrient?
5. Which macronutrient provides the most energy (calories) per gram?
6. Read through and understand the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
7. What is nutrient density?
8. What is the %DV?
9. What is the USDA Choose My Plate? Cruise the website for a better understanding.
10. What does DRI stand for? What does RDA mean and how much of the population does it cover?
11. Past and present emphasis of nutrition?
12. Goals of good nutrition.
13. The scientific method for research.
14. What is considered a carbohydrate? How much do we need? (percentages, grams?)
15. Dietary supplements and regulation
16. What kind of information do food labels contain? How are ingredients listed?
17. What is the sweetest monosaccharide?
18. Know the sodium RDA.
19. Storage form of glucose? Where is it stored?
20. What is milk sugar and what is it made of? What is sucrose?
21. What percentage of the WORLD is lactose intolerant?
22. Know the wonders of fiber, soluble and insoluble. How much is recommended? What foods contain fiber?
23. Sucralose/Splenda, how is it made, what are its characteristics?
24. To whom do you refer for all of your nutrition inquiries?
25. Hypo/Hyperglycemia. What is it?
26. Consequences of uncontrolled diabetes. Know the differences between type I and II diabetes.
27. PKU and artificial sweeteners.
28. What is Truvia/Stevia? Is it FDA approved?
29. Side effects of artificial sweeteners.