1.1) Multi-agency working aims to support children and young people earlier to ensure they meet the five Every Child Matters(ECM) outcomes. The five outcomes of ECM state that we need to be working together to achieve the best possible outcomes for children in our setting. These outcomes are:
• Be healthy
• Stay safe
• Enjoy and achieve
• Make a positive contribution
• Achieve economic well being
Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions to provide an integrated way of working to support children, young people and families. It is a way of working that ensures children and young people who need additional support have exactly the right professionals needed to support them. This is important because it enables us as practitioners to help the child develop any areas that may need developing with support.
1.2) Integrated working practices and multi agency working in partnership deliver better outcomes for children and young people because it enables all professionals dealing with the child to understand what plans may have been made, what progress the child is making, what help the child may need with certain areas of development or what equipment the child may need to make life easier by following the Every Child Matters outcomes. In my setting we have a child that suffers from a form of dwarfism. In my setting we have been given a special chair for the child to sit on during snack and playtime and smaller aprons for water, sand and painting so that the child is comfortable and safe. We are also in the process of getting a special stool to make hand washing easier and safer for the child. The child also has a one-to-one. Without the multi agency and integrated working practices the child would not have recieved the help they needed because all the professionals involved with the child would not have communicated properly and understood the needs of the child. We also have regular