The aim of the essay is to show an understanding of the value of effective multi-agency working in supporting children and families. It is mentioned in the department of education (2012) that multi – agency working is a way of bringing together practioners from different professions to give additional support to children and family who need it. Because children and their family needs can be very different it is ensured that right professionals are involved in the service provided, which might involve people from social work, health, education, early years, youth work, police and youth justice etc. When providing support for the children and their families it is important that practioners have an ability to provide a child centred and a holistic approach to contribute to the best support possible. Holistic approach means considering the physical, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual development and as well looking at it in a wider context. (FdA Early Childhood Studies 2012a)
Department of Education (2012) mentions Multi-agency working as a generic term and is organised differently in every place, For Example it can be a team of professionals working around particular needs of a child or family, based on an area or just an establishment. The services work together within a unit or with other services and also have regular meetings for improvement of services. Multi-agency working provides benefits for children, young people and families because they support in the most efficient way, needs of the children and families are addressed more appropriately because of better quality services.. For example it provides with early identification and intervention, and keeping in mind the holistic needs, it provides better support for parents. Helping children leads to improved achievement in education and better concentration in education.
Worden (1996) states that in situations where a child has lost a parent can be a very hard time for