If you work with children, your career is likely to involve close working with other agencies. Multi-agency working is an effective way of supporting children and families with additional needs. Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions within the workforce to provide integrated support to children and their families, for example a ‘team around the child’. It is an effective way of supporting children with additional needs and helping to secure real improvements in their life outcomes. Multi-agency working brings together practitioners and
If you work with children, your career is likely to involve close working with other agencies. Multi-agency working is an effective way of supporting children and families with additional needs. Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions within the workforce to provide integrated support to children and their families, for example a ‘team around the child’. It is an effective way of supporting children with additional needs and helping to secure real improvements in their life outcomes. Multi-agency working brings together practitioners and