Personal Statement.
1.1, 1.2:
By working together as a team towards a goal/ objective helps the team become stronger and more focused towards targets/aims. This is due to individuals being able to build personal confidence while working together and enables people to be more assertive in their strong areas. By supervising the team you can help build a confident and able workforce by learning their strong/weak points. When working towards goals or targets the most productive/efficient members or staff will be used according to expertise/confidence in the area. This will help achieve business objectives as everyone is working towards the same goals. This will improve business and staff effectiveness towards agreed goals.
2.1, 2.2:
When working together communicating effectively is important. It helps a team understand what is expected of them as well as outlining important information and goals. A variety of methods can be used to achieve this i.e. meeting, email, bulletins and information boards and the most important decision required is “What is the best way to relay this message?” A consideration is also required as to who the audience is as this will affect the decision on how information is relayed. In some circumstances communicating via email is acceptable, this is generally best when the information needs to be passed quickly to a lot of people, or if it’s an update that can be read when they have free time to do so. If an urgent update is needed or change to work it is always best to use face to face in a meeting. This will enable you to be able to answer any queries or even to seek ideas from the team if required. It is always best to communicate with your team regularly to ensure that any problems/issues can be caught early and acted upon. For statistics to measure areas of concern/ productivity an information board displaying these in a visual display could also be useful. By