1.1- Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role?
Service users – the service users I look after and support all have a learning disability. This makes it hard for them to communicate effectively. I have to find ways to help them communicate so they can explain their needs and wishes. The three service users I support can all communicate verbally but struggle sometimes to explain what they mean. I designed a food menu board, which is changed every day and contains pictures of the food that the service users have chosen for their cooking days. As two of the service users cannot read this helps them to remember and understand what they have chosen. This a form of the communicating …show more content…
I share and receive information with people who use my services this is always done confidential and only certain information will be shared. In my job role I use all different forms of communication such as pictures; this helps me to communicate with the service users. It helps them to make choices for themselves that they may not have been able to make before. I find by using the pictures with the service users it enables us to communicate more effectively. I communicate with staff in person, by phone or communications book. I may need to tell a staff member some information for coming on to a shift so I may send this via text, phone call, email or it is a message for more than one staff member I may write it in the communications book. Verbal communication helps me to explain my ideas clearly to people and also gives me the opportunity to listen to people more carefully. When communication with service users, their families or professionals, formal conversation is used this should be clear and correct and this will then avoid misunderstandings. Staff may use informal communication as they work closely on a day to day basis and become …show more content…
This gives me an indication of how this person is feeling e.g. if they are unhappy or in pain. If a person is more relaxed and smiling I know they are quite happy. If the person is frowning, doesn’t use much eye contact and they are not very relaxed then this is an indication that they are unhappy. This form of communication is important when looking after vulnerable adults as if you notice a change in their body language or expressions it could be an indication they are in pain, unhappy or that an incident might