In the reading ‘2b or not 2b’’, there are figurative devices that can be identified as used
by the author. Metaphor; the metaphors found in the passage is used to make a compare the text
messages to’ bleak, bald sad shorthand, Drab shrink talk.’ The comparison continues ‘Texting is
penmanship for illiterates’. Another comparisons without the use of the terms ‘as’ or ‘like’ with
unlike things that in this case seems to have similar characteristics, was made when reference
was being made of the level of the usage of text message spelling compared to that of standard
orthography used in everyday life ‘… no more than a few ripples on the sea of language’ was the
comparison made.
The figurative device personification can also …show more content…
The ability to be pillaged, savaged and raped was now given to them.
The statement ‘People seemed to have swallowed whole the stories…’ lends to the device
hyperbole the scenario shows that the persons referred to were accepting the ‘stories’ just as they
were without questioning this was being exaggerated to the point where the persons were said
to ‘swallow’ the information. The statement can also said to be personified, as the stories were now
given the ability to be swallowed.
The device allegory was identified, reference was made to ‘Anglo-Saxon scribes’ The
Anglo-Saxon’s were a population of persons who lived in England and had their particular living
practices along with writing styles etc. The scribes were alluded to when author spoke of the use of
abbreviations in texting and how far back the use of abbreviations can be seen.
The author uses imagery to allow the reader to gain a clearer picture of what he/she