Chapter 1
· A man is talking to some people at a bar proclaiming what will soon happen in the future and making bets on what is to happen
· The death of the exiled Duke of Astibar becomes known and a heated conversation about an invader who has taken control of their province, Alberico of Barbadior, breaks out.
· Brandin of Ygrath is also introduced as the other invader of the Palm, the country where the story takes place.
· "Men began shouting fiercely to be heard over the din they themselves were causing." (11)
· "Alberico is too cautious to ruffle the mood of the Festival over this." (12)
· "However subtle Alberico may be, the fact is that he won this province and Tregea and Ferraut and Certando because of his army and his sorcery, and he holds the Eastern Palm only through these things." (15-6)
· "Brandin took Chiara and the western provinces" (15)
· Power is shown through the two invaders because each of them have taken four of the nine provinces and are warring over the ninth.
· The strange newcomer shows power through taking control of the room and persuading people to accept his beliefs and opinions.
· There is no real character development here because no characters are really introduced here.
· Foreshadowing may be used here with the strange newcomer's bet and his explanation of what he thinks is happening and what is going to happen
· Imagery is used here to show the settings of the first chapter and the place where it takes place
Chapter 2
· The main character, Devin, is introduced as a singer from Asoli on the road traveling with Menico di Ferraut to make his career. His history when he was a boy and how he became a singer is described. Key points about him are introduced like him having a good memory.
· Other members of the group are introduced such as Catriana and Alessan. Devin came to Astibar to perform for a noble but as the chapter progresses he discovers he is going to sing the morning rites for the dead Duke of Astibar. He meets a