Answer the following questions about science, pseudoscience, and the scientific method.
Part I: Scientific Method
1. What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? Science And Pseudoscience Are Different Because Science Use Methods And Pseudoscience Don’t Use Methods.
2. What is the scientific method? Scienctific Method is the process scientist use to follow in order to gather information and they draw conclusion for this information.
Part II: Science or Pseudoscience
Answer the following questions about the balancing video. They will guide you and help you determine if the balancing egg is science or pseudoscience. You may need to go back to the introduction page of this lesson and watch the video again to help you answer these questions.
3. Describe the observation/question that was used in the egg balancing video. If there is not one, write an observation/question that could be used. There was no observation/question but my observation is that the egg was trying to stay up on the counter. My question is, Is this the only time eggs can stay up?
4. Describe the hypothesis that was used in the egg balancing video. If there is not one, write a hypothesis that could be used. The Is Not The Only Time Eggs Can Stay Up It’s Can Stand Up On Other Days To.
5. Describe the experiment that was used in the egg balancing video. If there is not one, write an experiment that could be used. The Experiment Was When The Kids Tried First Then The Lady Tried Next.
6. Describe the data that was analyzed in the egg balancing video. If there is not any, describe how this could be done.
7. Describe the conclusion that was used in the egg balancing video. If there is not one, write a conclusion that could be used. The Conclusion Is That The Egg Can Not Only Stay Up On equinox It Can Stay Up On Other Days To.
8. Did the balancing egg video retest the experiment? If it did, describe the retest. Yes It