The apparatus used in this experiment were: 1) 5 beakers, 2) 3 large potatoes (same type), 3) 15 pieces of potato without skin (roughly the same size), 4) 10 pins, 5) 50ml of distilled water, 6) 50ml salt solution 0.50, 7) 50ml salt solution 1.00, 8) 50ml salt solution 1.50, 9) 50ml salt solution 2.00 10) Scales, 11) Knife, 12) chopping board, 13) cork borer,
Prediction & Theory:
When the potato pieces are put in to the water there are more water molecules in the water then there is in the potato cells; therefore the water molecules move by osmosis into the potato cells through the membrane. This means that the mass of the potato piece will increase and the potato will feel harder.
When the potato pieces are put in to the salt water there are more water molecules in the potato cells then in the salt water; therefore the water molecules by osmosis into the water from the potato. This means that the mass of the potato piece will decrease, and it will feel really soft. The stronger the concentration of the salt solution the more it will decrease in weight.
Fair Testing:
The things needed to be kept the same during this experiment to make it a fair test are:
1) The amount of each concentration must be 50ml.
2) There must be 3 pieces of potato in each concentration.
3) The same potato must be kept the same.
4) They all have to be left for the same amount of time.
5) They all have to be washed to get rid of the dead cells.
Making sure that there is a chopping board down cut with a cork borer 15 pieces of potato, but make sure that there isn't any holes and that you cut of the dead skin and that all the pieces are roughly the same size. In 5 pieces of potato put a pin at the top end, in another 5 pieces of potato put a pin in the middle, and leave the last 5 without out. This is done so that each piece is easier to identify when weighing. Weigh each piece of