This story begins in Salem Massachusetts and a father (Reverend Parris) finds his daughter and some other random girls dancing in the woods as it is forbidden to dance in that place. Reverend Parris begins to ask his daughter what she doing as dancing is considered witchcraft. Some of the girls begin to get sick and Rebecca Nurse can help them. Reverend Hale is called to try and find witchcraft in these girls. The girls start accusing people of seeing them with the devil and so do the other girls causing it to spread around the town that there is witchcraft and talking to the devil are real. People start to be arrested and charged. Mary Warren starts to participate in the court. Giles has been arrested
This story begins in Salem Massachusetts and a father (Reverend Parris) finds his daughter and some other random girls dancing in the woods as it is forbidden to dance in that place. Reverend Parris begins to ask his daughter what she doing as dancing is considered witchcraft. Some of the girls begin to get sick and Rebecca Nurse can help them. Reverend Hale is called to try and find witchcraft in these girls. The girls start accusing people of seeing them with the devil and so do the other girls causing it to spread around the town that there is witchcraft and talking to the devil are real. People start to be arrested and charged. Mary Warren starts to participate in the court. Giles has been arrested