This case was based on George Tenet and the decisions he made within the CIA, successful and unsuccessful. Tenet served under the Clinton and Bush administrations from 1997-2004. During the Clinton administration, his main focus was to rebuild the CIA from its lack of morale and budget issues. Surprisingly (in my opinion because of his lack of experience), he was successful in the beginning process of rebuilding. Unfortunately for him, after Bush was elected the 9/11 attacks happened and his success started to decline. The decisions he made during the Bush administration and his lack of focus led to the demise of the DCI and the weakening of the CIA. I think his popularity during the Clinton administration got to his head and he just got sloppy during the Bush administration, but his decisions tremendously affected the way CIA is run today.
Review Questions: 1. As suggested by Waldo’s essay, the advice about ethical behavior in the public office is a set of “maps” divided into 12 different obligations: to the Constitution, to Law, to Nation or Country, to Democracy, to Organizational-Bureaucratic, to Profession and Professionalism, to Family and Friends, to Self, to Middle-Range Collectives, to the Public Interest or General Welfare, to Humanity or the World and to Religion (or to God). The difference between Waldo’s views compared to those of Barnard, Bailey and Appleby is that they think “safeguards” can satisfy ethical behavior in the public office. I think that Waldo’s advice is better because he lays everything out in numerous categories so that nothing gets overlooked, which in my opinion makes thing flow better and does not leave as much room for flaws. 2. Think that George Tenet face obligations of Law, Profession, Self and Organizational-Bureaucratic. When it comes to Law and Profession, he succeeded through the Clinton administration by stepping up and doing his part for the CIA. But when it came to Self and the