Koppleman’s essay attempts to look at the obscenity law what he calls the ‘obscenity doctrine’ and its usage of the phrase ‘moral harm’. He criticizes the law as he feels that it is too crude and is not workable hence it should be abandoned. Koppleman also believes that the fundamentals of the law have never really been addressed adequately and what the law seeks to protect seems to be misunderstood in some sense. Koppleman takes the side of the conservatives over the liberals and attempts to present an argument that holds both viewpoints but does justice to the conservative argument.…
This case was brought before the Supreme Court of Canada, after a failed appeal in the Court of Appeal, issues concerning whether the non-universal proclamation of S. 234.1 of the Criminal Code infringed on the right to equality before the law, as outlined in S. 1 (b) of the Bill of Rights, the second issue raised in the lower courts was whether the random stopping of cars by police officers infringed on the right not to be arbitrarily detained described by S. 9 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and another major issue raised in the lower courts was whether Mr. Hufsky’s rights were infringed upon…
The rights and freedoms of every Canadian individual are upheld and fought for through the effectiveness in the Supreme Court. When cases make its way up to the Supreme Court it’s their duty to decipher the right and just judgment, making sure the individual's rights and freedoms have not been infringed upon. The court's effectiveness is able to balance the of the individual needs against society's, ensuring fair treatment of judgment at the last and highest court.…
The NYSLA’s ban on Bad Frog’s labels lacks a “reasonable fit” with the interest in shielding minors from vulgarity. The court found that NYSLA’s decision of denying the label was under-inclusive in protecting children from vulgarity, because banning labels for beer would not significantly reduce children’s exposure to vulgarity. The court ruled that the interest of the label was substantial. Yet there are many different ways for vulgar displays throughout the society, banning labels from alcoholic beverages cannot realistically be expected to reduce the chance of exposure to children in any ways. Moreover, NYSLA’s concern about chances of harmful exposure of the Bad Frog labels…
-Both the judge and the British Columbia court of Appeal ruled that the prohibition of the possession of child pornography as defined under section 163 of the code, was not justifiable enough in a free and democratic society.…
The last century has seen many movements for change in Canada, yet there is still much work to be done. Our society views a certain group of people with a high regard and an authority over others; these same people fall into the group that Audre Lorde calls the ‘Mythical Norm.’ Although Canada claims to be a land of equal opportunity, the ever-present conception of the mythical norm creates a breeding ground from which oppression grows in Canadian society. The idea of this norm is what leads to the domination of white males in the Canadian economy and within the country’s justice system. This essay will explore the ways in which the mythical norm creates sexist, homophobic, and racist oppressions in society.…
Prompt: "You can tell a true war story if it embarrasses you. If you don't care for obscenity, you don't care for the truth; and if you don't care for the truth, watch how you vote. Send guys to war, they come home talking dirty" (O'Brien 69).…
This norm is consists of aspects of race, sex, sexual orientation, religious background and socio-economic status. Yet, the norm only embodies few in the modern Canadian society, it still controls the law. The mythical norm is the creation of the past ideals that focused upon giving power to one single group; white and male. There several attributes that are included with sex and race that must come with an individual to fulfill the mythical norm. The mythical norm has been embedded into society’s mind of being what is normal and abnormal.…
Since the beginning of time, issues regarding homosexuality have proven to be very controversial grounds in society. However, there is no doubt that Canada has challenged these issues and reformed the face of its society by standing as one of the most accepting nations in the world in respect to LGBT equality. A timeline so rich in historical value since 1965 to the present day recounts Canada’s journey in addressing the needs and concerns of this topic. Undoubtedly, while many people still have polar views on this topic, it is something that is fortunately starting to be addressed and accepted more as time progresses. Many factors such as court cases, changes in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the current LGBT movement,…
The first amendment protects the freedom of speech. This case of Reno v American Civil Liberties Union represents an interesting debate on protection of freedom of speech versus regulation of material which is regarded indecent. The subject matter in this case was the Communication Decency Act against Internet on the issue of indecency. The case compared Internet with Library, Television and Public Place. However, in comparing with these mediums, Internet appears to be slightly, if not majorly, different. It is because, when compared with the television, the internet user might have to go…
Canada, in contrast to the Netherlands, has had a less progressive decriminalization process in terms of the commercialization of the sex trade. Of course, Canada’s neighbor, the United States, has had a long history of prohibition and criminalization of the sex trade as a role model for policies and regulations about prostitution. One of the major problems with the Canadian policy of regulating sex work remains in the legal decision not to provide law enforcement protection for women involved in a prohibition environment:…
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees political rights to all Canadian citizens and civil liberties for all people in Canada. Section 2 of the Canadian Charter lays out the fundamental freedoms for all people in Canada which includes the freedom of religion. In this paper, it will be shown that every person in Canada has the right to practice their freedom and religion and if they feel as if their riht is infringed they can challenge the issue in the courts. It will be shown that some of the challenges to freedom of religion can only be exerted to a reasonable limit. On the other hand, some of the challenges are valid and that policies and practices will be changed in order to accommodate the right to exercise the right to…
In order for the criminal justice system to function as an effective institution, Canadians must decide what they want the system to achieve. Stephen Harper, the previous Prime Minister of Canada, came into power in 2006 and implemented a variety of legislative and policy changes designed to be tough on crime. The tough on crime approach is an important part of the criminal justice system because it is currently being used in the Canadian courts and correctional facilities. This paper will begin by discussing the tough on crime approach and its elements. It will then examine the models successes and failures. Finally, it will explore why it is not an appropriate method in dealing with crime. Harper’s tough on crime approach to criminal justice…
Censorship in Canada takes varies forms through different mass media to standardize the freedom of expression in public. The government control and regulation are deep-rooted in film industry since movies have been shown in theatres since early 1990s. Film censorship often examines the issues of obscenity and sexuality on the stand of Canada’s Criminal code. It also reflects government’s policy on protecting public interest and maintaining community standards (Quinn, 2009). Film censorship that assigned to provincial film boards promote regional distinctions and coexistence of national pride. The shift from an outright censorship that banned movies and demanded cuts to a mode of classification reflects the idea of Neo-liberalism. The…
"Child porn law struck down." Canadian News Facts 1 Jan. 1999: 5804. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012…