ARTICLE A1: Using the Medline exercises and guide6 provided on Blackboard, I was able to access to Medline database. With the Ovid: Search Form I was given an abstract view of the article1. I was directed to the “SMJ: Singapore Medical Journal” where I was able to read the article in full text. The article1 was based on a study of the patients served by Tan Tock Seng Hospital’s emergency ophthalmology department. Statistics1 showed the main contributing group of affected patients were non-residents which accounted for more than 90% of the patients as Singapore has the highest proportion of foreign workers in Asia. The analysis amplified the issues1 on the requirement of providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the quality of the PPE, the compliance of using PPE and lastly the effectiveness of safety training and communication among the lower skilled foreign workers.
ARTICLE B2: By using the title search function of Medline, I was directed to “Oxford Journals” website where I was able to view the full article.
Studies2 on the A&E department in a UK district general hospital shows that close to one third of the patients were due to occupational eye injuries. Corneal foreign body was the highest contributing injury2 which accounts for approximately 64% of the injuries. Although PPE was provided, the quality and proper usage of the PPE issues2 were still questionable. Additional factor2 on the education level of the workers further enlarged the problems with the effectiveness of training. Occupational eye injuries can be prevented if more emphasis were focused on these issues.
ARTICLE C3: Using the keyword “occupational eye injuries” on the Medline database, this title from the filtered results drew my attention as welding has always been one of the top occupations contributing to occupational eye injuries.
The article3 uses a
References: 1. Ngo C. S. and Leo S. W. Industrial accident-related ocular emergencies in a tertiary hospital in Singapore, Singapore Medical Journal, 49(4):280-285, 2008 Available from: http://smj.sma.org.sg/4904/4904a1.pdf 2