This reflective case study has been written using the Gibbs (1998) model of reflective writing. Confidentiality has been preserved throughout in accordance with the Health Professions Council (HPC) Code of Professional Conduct (HPC, 2002) and I have chosen the pseudonym of Joyce Charles for my patient.
Although this was the first week of my second placement in general practice this was the first time that we had met, therefore, I introduced myself and made clear at the practice and explaining that I was a Paramedic undergoing further training to become an Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP) (as described by Silverman et al 1999). Joyce gave me verbal consent (Department of Health 2001) to take part in her consultation and treatment.
The rationale for reflection in relation in to this topic is to understand the difference in today 's standards and how important the Health Care Professionals role will impact in providing care for patients suffering chronic disease.
Joyce had returned to the surgery following a glucose tolerance test, for diabetes, she was a 43 year old clinically obese female. The previous week she was seen by the Doctor as she had some sores that were not healing properly. Joyce was asked to return to see the diabetic
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