The understanding of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Kaylyn Trawick
Montgomery High School
Everyday many adults, teens, and even children suffer with anxiety disorders not everyone fully understands. The thoughts and the ticks that make one able to go on with their daily lives are vital when it comes to ones sanity. As a kid I never knew washing your hands so many times, walking only in certain spots, or only being able to stay on one side of a the person you were walking with was as important as it is to some. “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by distressing repetitive thoughts, impulses, or images that are intense, frightening, absurd, or unusual. These actions, known as compulsions, help reduce anxiety caused by the individual’s obsessive thoughts. Often described as the “disease of doubt,” the sufferer usually knows the obsessive thoughts and compulsions are irrational but, on another level, fears they may be true.” (Ford-Martin and Frey, 2009). OCD controls and overwhelms a person but is suffer-able and treatable in some cases.
An imbalance of a chemical called serotonin may be the cause of OCD. It also might be caused by neurological, environmental, genetic and phychological factors. (Scholten, nd). The chemical imbalance within the brain causes a communication problem between the frontal lobe and deeper parts of the brain. This problem is what is responsible for the repetitive behavior. “Recently, scientists have identified an intriguing link between childhood episodes of strep throat and the development of OCD.” (Ford etal, 2009) There is a 25% chance that if one family member suffers from OCD, then more than likely, another member may also have the disorder. (Ford etal,2009). With that said, OCD “runs in the family” and is associated with other anxiety disorders such as Tourettes. This disorder can is most commonly diagnosed when children are 10 to 15 years old, although it can be