name ___________________ _______________________ date ____________
principal symptom: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In Getting Control pp.84-8, Lee Baier suggests working on only one major symptom at once. Choose a symptom that isn’t too difficult but which, when tackled, is likely to produce noticeable benefits in your day to day life. If possible start with a “principal” symptom that is a compulsion rather than an obsession. Try to choose a cleaning compulsion first. Otherwise select a checking compulsion or a compulsion that causes you to avoid things you fear. When you can, leave counting compulsions and compulsive slowness, or superstitious, violent or sexual obsessions till a bit later when you’ve gained more experience with these approaches.
most important things you do too much or avoid because of this problem:
change to long-term goals you want to accomplish by the end of treatment:
1.__________________________________________________ suds rating _____
2.__________________________________________________ suds rating _____
3.__________________________________________________ suds rating _____
4.__________________________________________________ suds rating _____
5.__________________________________________________ suds rating _____
When converting problems to goals, it’s often helpful to ask others what they feel is “reasonable behaviour”. Once you have two or three such estimates, you can average them to set your