Underpinning knowledge questions
1.1 Explain the systems and procedures and codes of practice relevant to your personal work role:
1.2 Why is it important to plan work and be accountable to others?
It is important to plan your work and be accountable to others to enable you and your organisation progress. This helps to determine work objectives, It allows you to know what results are possible and what the best path to the desired outcome should be. Being accountable to others can bring a sense of ownership to the process by making you know that others are counting on you to perform a task and deliver results. It can also help keep you on track.
1.3 / 1.4 Explain the purpose and benefits of agreeing realistic targets for work and who whould you agree these with?
Purpose: The purpose for agreeing realistic targets for work is to keep everyone on task and focused on accomplishing a target that is possible, not out of reach. This way, everyone can contribute effectively and reach targets efficiently instead of struggling and going off track.
Benefits: Having a target shows you the path that you want to take, you can then agree on the most effective way to achieve the target and also create a plan that will give you a time scale of things to be done. This brings fast and reliable compliance to the tasks at hand.
Who with and how? Compromising with my manager, we discuss some realistic/achievable targets that I will be able to achieve and create a plan to show the most effective ways to achieve the targets.
1.5 Describe the ways which you plan work to meet agreed targets: First of all it is important to look at how much time you have to complete the agreed targets. Then the next step would be breaking the target down in to parts, this will then give you a much clearer idea of what you can do to complete the target. You can then give yourself deadlines to complete each