1 Aims and Objectives
Our aim is to reach mutually agreed outcomes by recognising where the employees and the business are now, where we want to be in the future and how we can get there.
We began the negotiation process with very optimistic outcomes in mind, whilst considering our fall back options which would exceed current employer/ competitor offerings and protect the long term interests of the employees. We as the employee/ union group believed that the outcomes achieved were very favourable for the employees.
2 Bargaining Strategy
We recognised that there was a retention issue within the organisation, which could affect its long-term financial success and brand reputation. With this in mind we reviewed and compared the current offerings of a prospective competitor e.g. Ikea, Bunnings, Freedom with the retail industry award and used this as a basis to commence our negotiations. The log of claims was also supported by data from industry reports, productivity commission reports, and personal experience.
3 Outcomes
3.1 Strategy
Our objective was to understand the current situation of the organisation, look at where the employer and employee wanted to be and how we could work together to reach this outcome. We compared their current offering against large global furniture retailers such as Ikea and later considered that this may not have been reasonable as the company was a local company who were losing profits and having difficulty retaining staff. We also recognised that the unemployment rate within the retail sector was high and it was predicted that this could increase due to the popularity of online shopping. With this in mind we did not want our employees to be out of work but we wanted to achieve guaranteed financial and non-financial rewards for their future.
We started our negotiations with optimistic outcomes and fall back outcomes in mind, the fall back options would still provide employees