When Oedipus is confronted with his prophecy he refuses to accept it and attempts to change it. Oedipus, after being told about Laius murder, reassures the people of Thebes that he will find the murderer. This journey for Oedipus is a journey of finding himself rather than solving a crime. As he initiates his journey, he threaten the murderer with exile, being unaware he is threatening himself. Being prideful and confident Oedipus refuses to
When Oedipus is confronted with his prophecy he refuses to accept it and attempts to change it. Oedipus, after being told about Laius murder, reassures the people of Thebes that he will find the murderer. This journey for Oedipus is a journey of finding himself rather than solving a crime. As he initiates his journey, he threaten the murderer with exile, being unaware he is threatening himself. Being prideful and confident Oedipus refuses to