Oedipus AP Essay
For each of the novels/plays that we read, you will compose an essay about the piece based upon a previously used prompt from the AP English Literature and Composition Test. The format for completion of this task will generally run the same way with each essay: * Compose a rough draft of the essay * Share rough draft with classmates during a peer review session * Polish rough draft * Turn in a final version of your essay
This is the prompt you will use for your Oedipus essay:
2003. According to critic Northrop Frye, "Tragic heroes are so much the highest points in their human landscape that they seem the inevitable conductors of the power about them, great trees more likely to be struck by lightning than a clump of grass. Conductors may of course be instruments as well as victims of the divisive lightning." Select a novel or play in which a tragic figure functions as an instrument of the suffering of others. Then write an essay in which you explain how the suffering brought upon others by that figure contributes to the tragic vision of the work as a whole.
As a reminder, your essay should… * have a clear introduction which references the task at hand. * demonstrate clear organization of ideas (with the appropriate transitions, topic sentences, and fluidity). * showcase your critical thinking skills through analysis and insight and must demonstrate control of the topic at hand. * show your knowledge of the factual content of the novel through specific details. * demonstrate sentence variety and diction through specific word choice and a variety of sentence structures. * show your mastery of basic English grammar and mechanics.
Please complete a rough draft of your response to this essay prompt by Monday, November 7th. That is the day all students will complete the peer editing process in class.
The final draft of your essay must be completed by the following dates: * 4th