You have no truth. You are blind in your eyes. Blind in your ears. Blind in your mind.”(506-508). In the quote, Sophocles uses diction to convey the harsh tone Oedipus uses with Teiresias. Oedipus uses repetition of the word “blind” to show his disbelief in Teiresias. He also states that he has “no truth” to further express his distrust in everything Tiresias says. Oedipus even goes further than to say “you're blind blind in your eyes” pointing out his physical disability but also ridicules him by calling him blind in his …show more content…
Oedipus has just stabbed his eyes out after realizing the truth upon Jocasta’ death. After everything he's realized he's done he doesn't believe he deserves to see.Oedipus states, “(Reaching out, groping) Thing thing darkness spilling into me, my black cloud smothering me forever, nothing can stop you, nothing can escape, I Cannot push you away”(1705-1710). This quote uses imagery to convey Oedipus’ state as of now. In the phrase "reaching out” Oedipus is shown as helpless after he becomes physically blind. In the quote Oedipus also states "darkness spilling into me” and “my black cloud smothering me”. These phases appeal to the sense of sight and show that the truth didn't night Oedipus any peace only hardship. He also says “nothing can escape” showing he desperately wants to get away from this truth showing he hasn't really accepted it. Shortly afterward in the text, Oedipus tries to hide away from Thebes because of the truth he has found. Since the truth has brought edit this a lot of shame he isn't willing to stay in Thebes. Instead, he asks to be hidden or even killed. “gods, oh gods, gods, hide me, hide me now far away from Thebes kill me, cast me into the sea drive me where you will never see me- never again.”(1828-1834). Sophocles uses diction and imagery to show Oedipus’ despair brought on by what he's done. Oedipus’ repetition of the word “gods” and