Creative Writing Final Assessment You may choose one of the final creative writing assessments below. We have read the novel and you should be able to decide if you would like to work with the ending John Steinbeck wrote for us or if you would like to change it drastically. If an alternate ending or extension of the book does not interest you, you may want to change the point of view and try to write the story from one of the characters’ perspectives. For this choice, you will want to pick a point in the novel, and change how a specific scene is written to fit your character’s thought and ideas. Keep in mind that the writing you do should closely resemble Steinbeck’s style and should not take any unrealistic or unbelievable leaps... (NO alien babies, man eating blobs, chain saw killings, machine gun fights or terrorist bombings, etc.!!!) Readers should know the thoughts and emotions of the characters. The new writings should not be
ALL dialogue or told to the reader. No writer should ever fall into the “and then” trap! During the writing process you will be conferencing with your instructor, conferencing with a peer, editing, revising, and saving drafts to show your progress. CHOICES ReWrite Chapter 6:
Your writing would pick up on page 99. You would be creating your own ending to what Steinbeck started. It should flow nicely. It should seem like Steinbeck wrote
“your”chapter. The chapter should start with a “Steinbecklike” description.
2(full) to 4 (full) DS pages Extend the novel / Write Chapter 7:
Your writing would pick up on page 108. You would be creating your own extension to what Steinbeck started. It should flow nicely. It should seem like
Steinbeck wrote “your”chapter. The chapter should start with a “Steinbecklike” description.
2 (full) to 4 (full) DS pages Rewrite a portion of the novel, most likely a particular scene, from one of the character’s perspectives: