An' naething, now, to big a new ane, O' foggage green! An' bleak December's winds ensuin, Baith snell an' keen!”. The mouses plans for winter had changed and he would have to start all over again and hope that he survives the winter, because the man had changed them by plowing it down. The man starts to apologize to the mouse on how it should not be afraid of him and how sorry that he was for ruining the mouse's plans. Then he goes on about how the social union is between mice and men and that we are all equals, but we are not and so the mouse knows to stay away from the things that would possibly harm it. He said that this was “The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men” (38). All in all the mouse should stay away from man, because it ruined his plans.
In the book Of Mice and Men there were two main characters. The first character is Lennie and he has the mind of a child, but the strength of ten men and he is really tall. The other character George is smart and has the average strength of a man, but he has to make sure to keep Lennie out of trouble. They both want to get the ranch for different reasons, George wants it where he can stop running and Lennie wants it to tend his favorite animal the rabbits. At the new work ranch George does not like it there,