Of Reckoning Anew:
A Path to seeking Philosophy in Good Earnest
Philosophy of Science
Degree Proposal for the
Unique & Interdisciplinary Studies at the
City University of New York
Robert Kai Erlenbusch
The general literature regarding the evaluation and utility of the
Philosophy of Science emphasizes the gulf between various schools within Humanities and those of the Sciences. The discipline where I feel the interpretative gap exists more gravely than others is within
Political Philosophy, particularly the interpretations made by various philosophers of Consent & Contract theory.
In presenting this Interdisciplinary Curriculum Proposal, I wish to combine Philosophy of Science and Anthropology as to reevaluate classical notions over the "Laws of Nature" & the "Nature of Man" as it is weighed by schools within Humanities.
Seeking this secondary degree is not an abandonment of my interests in Political Science, especially since this decision is heavily influenced by my investigations into the mind of Thomas Hobbes.
Rather, it involves delving into something far more critical to my core as I attempt to find an axiomatic basis for perspective.
What I present here is entirely about developing a proper foundation of knowledge as to become well-learned in philosophy and its implications found within the fields of Physics, Biology, and
Anthropology. Describing this proposal is accomplished by tracing through my various influences as it pertains to each subject mentioned, including: Thomas Hobbes, Stanley Salthe, Bertrand
Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Roland Omnès, and Jared Diamond.
Prospective Curriculum
Spring 2013
Epistemology: Theory of Knowledge (PHIL 3410)
MW 9:05-10:45 (Brooklyn College)
Classical and contemporary theories of the nature of knowledge and belief. Discussion of skepticism, rationalism, empiricism, coherentism, foundationalism. Analysis of such concepts as probability,