However, by viewing the future, I would be able to find a more concrete realization of my desires, both for myself and for the world I live in. I would learn more from one day, 2000 years from now, then I could glean in the months it would take to visit the locations listed in my blue notebook. Visiting the 41st century would allow me to gain knowledge that is inaccessible in my time. I could access technology far advanced past what is currently available, hear songs that have yet to be written and experience a culture that does not yet exist. The mistakes made in a future society would help me understand the best way to change the world for the better. Ultimately, there could be no place more foreign, and no location I long more to understand, than the world that is to
However, by viewing the future, I would be able to find a more concrete realization of my desires, both for myself and for the world I live in. I would learn more from one day, 2000 years from now, then I could glean in the months it would take to visit the locations listed in my blue notebook. Visiting the 41st century would allow me to gain knowledge that is inaccessible in my time. I could access technology far advanced past what is currently available, hear songs that have yet to be written and experience a culture that does not yet exist. The mistakes made in a future society would help me understand the best way to change the world for the better. Ultimately, there could be no place more foreign, and no location I long more to understand, than the world that is to