Individuals as well as entire populations that bear malice towards one another is increasing and it is inevitable that harmful conflicts will occur, which is not beneficial to anyone whatsoever. Robert F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton both urge this to dramatic levels within their speeches, coming to utilize emotional appeal, logical appeal, and personal connection in order to effectively present these ideas towards their audiences. As Bill Clinton quoted within his Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address, “As St. Paul admonished us, Let us ‘not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with
Individuals as well as entire populations that bear malice towards one another is increasing and it is inevitable that harmful conflicts will occur, which is not beneficial to anyone whatsoever. Robert F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton both urge this to dramatic levels within their speeches, coming to utilize emotional appeal, logical appeal, and personal connection in order to effectively present these ideas towards their audiences. As Bill Clinton quoted within his Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address, “As St. Paul admonished us, Let us ‘not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with