In Genesis 9:1-17, an agreement between God and Noah and his seed after him is established. The agreement begins after the flooding of the Earth and God’s makes an agreement that he will not flood the Earth again due to man’s disobedience. The covenant …show more content…
The agreement requires for Abram to leave his home and travel to a land that God would show him. The agreement was only for Abram, who also took his nephew and all the souls he was responsible for. If Abram fulfilled his commitment, God would make him a great nation, bless him, and make his name great. God would also, bless anyone that blessed Abram and curse those that curse him. Finally, because of Abram’s obedience, God will bless all people. This passage reestablishes the concept where man’s obedience before sets the stage for God to fulfill his portion of the agreement.
In Exodus 19, God reiterates his covenant agreement with his creation, man, to continue to take heed to his voice and keep the covenantal agreement. By the nation of Israel continuing to obey God, God will establish them as his people above all other nations. Which means God will declare the nation of Israel as one that honors him and keeps their agreement. The chapter provides a picture of God that he will continue to honor his agreements. God also continues to remind man of their covenantal agreement and what man needs to do to not falter on the