BIBL 104-D69
August 5, 2013
Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books
The book of Isaiah is of the Prophetic genre. The basic theme of this book is found in Isaiah’s name: “Salvation Is of the Lord,” Isaiah was one of the greatest prophets of the Bible. Isaiah Prophesized that the messiah would be born in Bethlehem by a virgin. Isaiah was called the “evangelical prophet” because of his clear and detailed messianic prophecies. Isaiah spoke condemnation on the men in Judah because of their sins. In Isaiah God granted Hezekiah a fifteen-year extension of his life. Isaiah prophesized that Babylon would be judged and destroyed and God’s people would be released from captivity. The last chapters of Isaiah speak on peace, prosperity, and how justice would prevail. It also speaks on how God will make all things new.
The genre of Proverbs is wisdom. Proverbs describes the importance of living wisely and in the fear of the lord as opposed to following the seduction path of evil. Proverbs basically is a book of knowledge and understanding of life. The purpose of Proverbs is for gaining wisdom and directions, for receiving instructions on doing what’s right and just and fair. Proverbs tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. It also tells us to trust in the lord with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding; in all our ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct our path.
The genre of Exodus is law. The theme of this book is that God reveals himself to his people and delivers them from slavery in Egypt to establish a covenant with them in the desert. This was done through Moses by the power of God through plagues. In Exodus reveals his name, his attributes, is redemption, his law and how he is to be worshiped. God departed the red sea allowing Israel to cross. The Egyptians followed and was destroyed in the red sea after God closed the sea.
The book of Judges