Omega-3 is essential if a healthier quality of life is desired because lacking this substance can have destructive qualities. These destructive qualities were highlighted through a study concluding that “... reduced omega-3 fatty acids, which are powerful antioxidants… may be causally related to oxidative stress, inflammation, disease activity, and fatigue in SLE” (Arriens). According to this study, not only is consuming Omega-3 fatty acids beneficial, it is crucial for maintaining homeostasis within the body. To back up the previous statement, the authors of “Short Term Patient Centered Nutrition Counseling Impacts Weight” advised that “Patients with SLE should focus on reducing refined carbohydrate intake, while promoting sources of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids” (Everett). This statement indicates the significance of including Omega-3 fatty acids in diets when paired with the previous source. Acknowledging the intake of this substance is proven to decrease disease activity which leads to the question of what foods contain Omega-3 fatty acids. There are a variety of foods that can be eaten to increase the essential intake of Omega-3. According to Andrew Weil, “fish, vegetable oil, nuts, flax seeds, flaxseed oil, and leafy vegetables” are high is Omega-3 fatty acids (Weil). So, consuming the listed foods is a beneficial action that can be incorporated into the …show more content…
Vitamin D is usually obtained through sun exposure, but people with immunological disorders such as SLE are found to be Vitamin D deficient. According to Kristy Yap and Eric Morand “Patients with SLE often experience elevated levels of fatigue. In fact, more than 50% of SLE patients report it as their disabling symptom. Vitamin D deficiency has been found to be related to fatigue in SLE” (Yap and Morand). The authors made it clear that lacking Vitamin D is a high occurrence in the SLE community. To describe the deficiency in more detail, Yap and Morand go on to say “Vitamin D deficiency may aggravate the immunological abnormalities in SLE. Vitamin D is associated with increased B cell activation and increased IFNx activity. B cell hyperactivity contributes to an increased production of antibodies” (Yap and Morand). Much like Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D is also shown to have benefits if consumed and repercussions if not. To understand why Vitamin D is important, the journal “Vitamin D 2016” stated “... vitamin D plays a key role in the formation of strengthening bone. Vitamin D also supports normal cell growth, nerve and muscle function, and immune system function” (Vitamin D 2016). The importance of Vitamin D is stressed in this journal. Vitamin D plays a key role in the body and lacking this nutrient is harmful towards SLE. Since it is difficult for SLE patients to obtain Vitamin D