There are heartbreaking revelations coming out as day’s passes. TV and media fight like street dogs to air most worst and disastrous Picture or video of this disaster. Politicians are yelling and blaming each other. Social media is full of different massages against Politics and even against some opportunists, who look is as opportunity for earning more.
We the Indian Peoples will keep on talking about it. In mean time Indian Middle (especially Lower Middle Class, Upper Middle is more mediocre and dramatic these days) start with ration collection and langars campaigns for effected. And yes this is time when we all must come forward to help. This not the right time to start discussions, blaming each other or find fault with each other, authorities, system and practices.
But what pinches to my heart is that when the right time comes for finding facts, faults and weakness those leads to this big tragedy; all will forget about it. No one will ask question from Bureaucrats, Planners, Organizers, Governments or even from his/her own consciousness, Why this happened? Why precaution was not taken? Where lays the actual faults? No one will bother to find out the truth so that repetition such incidents can be stopped or controlled, Precautions and preventive measures can be taken. In 2008 I visited HESCO Dehradoon, One of their activist strongly opposed the Govt. policies, Practices followed by development planners, Industrialists and even common peoples. He predicted this disaster at that time only, saying “We are playing with very sensitive balance of Himalayan Environment. Said One day Hiamlaya will roar and will bring his wrath upon us and That day We will be numb and will not be in position to control the disaster”.
Now the day I heard this news His words flashed inside my brain. His prediction comes true. It is not that He had not warned other peoples but authorities did not listened to him, Planner just ignored him and we