Princess Diana died on a car crash on 31st August 1997 in Paris. The Queen Elizabeth II, on 5th September 1997 uttered a pubblic speech to pay tribute to Diana's death from the Chinese Dining Room at Buckingham Palace.
According to Gragory's and Carol's model this is a non-spontaneous speech, written to be spoken and intended to be heard as a real speech.
Moreover, according to Halliday's model we can identify the following features: mode (the kind of role the language plays, its function in the particular context, the channel used, spoken or written, and also its achievements, if it is persuasive, expository, didactic speech etc.), field (the purposeful activity involved, what kind of social action is actually happening, what the participant are engaged in), tenor (who the participants are, their roles and what their social relationships are).
The controlled variables are MODE: the language is spoken. It is produced via the oral channel and it is intended to be processed by the ear. Ther is no visual contact between the speaker and her immediate audience because the Queen is talking directly to the video camera but there is visual contact between the audience and the Queen. The speech has been prepared in advance and has its origins in some form of writing: scripted speech. The comunication is enterely one-way. The audience has virtually no share in text creation being limited, at least, to non-verbal signals such as applauses. FIELD: the purposeful activity involved is the exposition of funeral oration uttered by the Queen the 5th September 1997 at 6 pm, live from the Chinese Dining Room at Bukingham Palace, screened by BBC1. The setting thus is Bukingham Palace. TENOR: the speaker is the Queen Elizabeth II. During her speech she tries to create a rapport with her audience, to establish herself as a leader who inspires confidence. Her speech is intended to