April 4, 2013
Period 5
On the Want of Money It all dates back to ten thousand years ago when money became one of the world’s greatest obsessions. From bartering to coinage to paper, the want and need for money has never changed. In author William Hazlitt’s essay, On the Want of Money, he clearly describes how money can effectively make or break one’s life. He uses examples, syntax, diction, and tone to show that in a world without money a human being will experience the harshness of life. After stating his position that “one cannot get on well in the world without money.” author Hazlitt lists a variety of examples to show the outcome of one’s life if they were to live without money. He clearly states that without money your life will basically be miserable, and useless. He not only shares examples of how life would be without money, but also a little bit about how it would be WITH money. His long list of harsh examples allows the reader to paint a picture of Hazlitt’s position. Considering that the whole essay consists of three sentences, the readers begin to feel overwhelmed. By overwhelming the reader, they’re able to get a sense of the burden they would feel if they were to live without money. The method of listing also makes readers see the endlessness of problems a person may over go. Listing examples of the way life would be without money makes the reader change their perspective of living “freely”. On the Want of Money is filled with harsh diction which creates a dreary tone for readers. Hazlitt uses a list of negative words such as, “despised”, “rejected”, “carped”, “disparaged”, “scrutinized”, “neglected”, “thrall”, “irksome”, “compelled”, “deprived”, “back-biting”, “disappointment”, and “burden” to emphasize the severe effects and harshness of being poor. By emphasizing in his essay, readers are able to realize the way their life would change dramatically if money were to be completely abolished from their lives. Harsh