Abnormal Psychology
The movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a portrayal of a group of males that are living in a mental instruction under the authority of a woman named Nurse Ratched. A new man named Randle Patrick McMurphy comes to join their ward and brings a new sense of excitement to the men already living in this institution. Randle McMurphy is a case that makes the doctors, nurses and workers of the hospital wonder if he is truly insane or just trying to find a way out of jail. Randle McMurphy was often irrational, impulsive and moody. The people surrounding him show a variety of different mental illnesses. One of the youngest boys in the ward, Billy, has a prominent stutter when he talks and it becomes even more noticeable when he becomes frustrated. Billy has also tried to commit suicide previous to living in the institution. Billy shows that this issue stemmed from a relationship with his mother, this is shown by Nurse Rached threatening to tell Billy’s mother of his sexual relations. Due to this threat Billy commits suicide. Another man that lives in the ward talks about the extreme jealously he has when it comes to his wife, and how he feels that other men are continually looking at her. He shows extreme paranoia and follows the rules with extreme precaution. This man also finds shame in his wife and late in the movie states that he committed himself to the institution. Another man in the institution throws childish fits when he begins to feel frustrated, upset, or confused. This man’s fits are often uncontrollable and filled with rage.
Many therapies were used throughout the movie including group therapies, electro convulsive therapy, medication and the procedure called a lobotomy. Group therapies were often common in the day-by-day routine of the men. In this group therapy many of the men expressed deep issues that they have within themselves. This type of therapy showed no major changes to the patient’s attitudes and